用自然平皿沉降法对乌鲁木齐市13个室内外空气测点作了微生物含量的测定,结果表明平均室外空气的细菌、真菌、总菌含量及F/T%分别为28583 8、780 5、29364 3CFU·m-3及2 7,证实了该市空气处于中度微生物污染状态。少量测点显示其空气已受到严重污染,空气质量不佳。室内空气微生物污染也重。空气微生物污染以细菌为主。分析了室外空气微生物含量的时空分布特点差异,探讨了其成因,并与其他城市作了比较。文章指出增强环境忧患意识,采用切实而有效措施,减少环境污染的必要性。
The outdoor/indoor air-borne microbial counts indexes over 13 sampling points were determined using the method of gravity plate in Urumqi city.The result obtained indicates that the average air-borne bacterial(B),fungous(F),total microbial counts(T) and F/T% were 28 583.8,780.5,29 364.3 Fu.m-3 and 2.7 respectively.It was verified that the air of Urumqi had been in an unfavorable situation of middle polluted with microbes,some air environments were in state of serious pollution.The air quality is not good enough.The air microbial pollution was caused mainly by bacteria.The air microbial was also more serious indoors.The spatiotemporal distribution,its character and difference were compared and anal analysed for outdoor air-borne microbial content.And the causes of formation were probed.The situation was compared to other cities determined.The paper points out that the necessity of strengthening environ mental consciousness of suffering and using effective measures to decease environmental pollution.
Environmental Protection of Xinjiang