
几种前处理方法对活性炭吸附CO的影响 被引量:2

Some Kinds Method of Different Pre-treatment Influence on Activated Carbon's Adsorbing CO
摘要 本文采用颗粒状活性炭 (代号GH—A)作吸附剂 ,经过几种不同的前处理方法后 ,以CO与空气的混合物为分离测定对象 ,用气固色谱法测定被活性炭充分吸附前、后的混合气体中CO的含量 ,对比评价几种前处理方法。实验结果表明 ,使活性炭吸附剂对CO的吸附量显著提高的前处理方法分别是研磨筛分至 32~ 38目、酸洗、添加改性剂S。而水洗则降低了活性炭吸附CO的能力。 In this paper,particulate activated carbon is used as adsorbent after some kinds of different pre-treatments,Gas mixed by carbon monoxide and air is the object of study.Through the activated carbon's adsorbance for CO measured by gas solid chromatography,to compare the effects on activated carbon by the different pre-treatments we used.The result showed the adsorbing ability to CO of activated carbon has improve remarkably by these pre-treatments:grid and mesh analysis to 32~38 mesh,acid dip,adding modifier S.But water dip method reduced the activated carbon's adsorbing ability to CO.
出处 《新疆环境保护》 2003年第1期32-35,共4页 Environmental Protection of Xinjiang
关键词 前处理方法 活性炭 吸附 CO 吸附剂 一氧化碳 空气污染 治理 空气净化 activated carbon adsorb carbon monoxide different pre-treatments
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