对高职高专院校的学科建设问题进行了讨论。认为 ,高职高专院校学术水平低下的原因在于对学科建设重视不够 ,高职高专院校仍然有学科建设任务。指出 :不搞学科建设 ,其专业建设只能在低水平徘徊 ;着重指出 :高职高专院校进行学科建设 ,必须注意为行业和地区经济与科技的发展服务 ,为实现学校的办学目标和办学理念服务 ,必须注意学科建设的前瞻性、基础性、现实性、国际性、研究性。
Course construction for higher-profession education colleges is to be discussed, which concludes that the low academic standard of higher-profession education colleges is due to inadequate attention to necessary course construction, and points out that no course construction could only lead to low standard for major construction; besides, it also points out that course construction of higher-profession education colleges should serve for economic and scientific development in the related industry and region, and for the college's education goal. Thus much attention needs to be paid to its aim to be prospective, foundational, realistic, international, researchful, talents-oriented and sustainable.
Journal of Chengdu Textile College