在经济全球化时代,随着人员流动频率的增加,疫病的传播途径和速度都大大超过以往。同时,随着城市化的快速发展,大城市中人口拥挤和环境污染等现象也使对传染病的控制更加困难。全球化的发展正在将我们带进一个风险社会,灾难也正在搭乘全球化快车。 当前.我们需要建立一套危机管理机制,包括组织决策和指挥系统,信息传输和处理系统,人员培训和技术系统,并先行开展反危机理论研究,经验学习和方案设计。
At the age of economic globalization, with the increase of personnel flow rate, the ways and speed of spreading illness go far beyond those in the past. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of urbanism, phemomenon such as population jam and environmental pollution in megapolis make the control of infectious diseases more difficult. The development of globalization is bringing us into a society of risks while disasters are hitchhiking the express of globalization. At present, We are in need of a set of mechanism for crisis management, including organizing, decision-making and commanding system, information transmission and transaction system, personal training and technology system. We also need to make a study of anti-crisis theory, learn experience and devise schemes.
China Science and Technology Fortune Magazine