目的 探讨小剂量多巴胺在血液透析中对血压稳定性的影响。方法 经肝素泵血液透析中注入小剂量多巴胺6例(360透次),以常规血液透析7例(420透次)作对照,观察血流量,超滤量,透析中血压和透析后血压。结果 观察组透析低血压发生率较对照组明显减少,两组比较有显著差异(P<0.001);观察组血流量和超滤量较对照组同类结果明显增加,两组比较有显著差异(P<0.001)。结论 血液透析过程中经肝素泵同步注入小剂量多巴胺具有稳定血流动力学、预防透析低血压、提高血液透析效率的作用。
Objective To explore the effect of low dose dopamine on blood pressure stabilization in hemodialysis. Methods During hemodialysis a small dose of dopamine was given through heparin - pump in 6 cases (360 times). 7 cases (420 times) with conventional hemodialysis were as control. The blood flow volume, ultrafiltration volume, blood pressure during and after hemodialysis were checked in each group. Results The dialysis hypotension in dopamine group was significantly lower than conventional hemodialysis group ( P < 0.001) , the blood flow volume, ultrafiltration volume were markedly increased than control( P < 0.001). Conclusion Giving small dose of dopamine through heparin - pump during hemodialysis may be useful for hemodynamic stability, preventing dialysis hypotension and increasing the efficiency of hemodialysis.
Chinese Journal of Blood Purification