缔约过失责任在民事责任体系中占有重要地位 ,同违约责任、侵权责任共同构建民事责任体系。然而我国的缔约过失责任制度 ,未能形成一个完整的理论体系。本文试图从缔约过失责任成立要件、请求权基础和保护范围角度出发 ,初步阐述如何完善缔约过失责任理论体系 。
Contracting negligent liability plays an important role in civil liability system Contracting negligent liability, defaulting liability and tort liability together constructing civil liability system However, our country's contracting negligent liability institution hasn't been formed a complete theory system From the view of forming elements, claim foundation and protection sphere, the paper prelimarily analyzes how to perfect the theory system of contracting negligent liability, aiming to seek for the new view of it's theory discussion
Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic