目的 探讨眼前段非磁性异物摘出的方法。方法 在异物周围,尤其是在异物后方注射一定量玻璃酸钠,凭借玻璃酸钠对异物娩出通道的软性扩张作用和对异物的软弹性推力,将异物逐出眼球。结果 本组27例(28眼)眼前段非磁性异物被全部安全快捷地摘出,无一发生手术误伤或手术并发症。结论 该手术方法对摘出眼前段非磁性异物非常有用,对取出眼前段磁性异物也有一定的借鉴意义。
Objective To explore the new technique on extracting anterior segment nonmagnetic foreign bodies. Methods The sodium hyaluronate was injected around and behind the foreign body. Then the foreign body might be delivered by viscoelastic pushing force from the passage. Results
Twenty eight nonmagenetic foreign bodies in 28 eyes of 27 cases were all removed safely, no complication occured during operaion. Conclusion
This technique is highly fitted for anterior segment nonmagnetic foreign bodies,and it is deserved to be popularized in clinic.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries