目的 研究氟 -肝素表面修饰人工晶状体 ( fluorine- heparin surface modified in-traocular lenses,F- HSM IOL s)的生物相容性 ,为开发新型 IOL 并应用于临床提供理论和实验依据。方法 采用载能离子束联合低温等离子体技术对聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯人工晶状体 ( polym ethyl methacrylate intraocular lenses,PMMA IOL s)进行氟离子与肝素双重表面修饰。通过理化及光学方法检测其性能。体外通过细胞粘附 ,细胞生长实验。体内实验进行兔眼、猕猴眼内植入 ,进行相关的基础及体内研究。比较 F- HSM IOL s与普通 PMMAIOL s的生物相容性。结果 F- HSM IOL s呈淡棕色 ,可阻挡短波光线及紫外线。F- HSM I-OL s表面粘附细胞少、无细胞毒性 ,植入眼内引起的眼部炎症反应轻 ,血 -房水屏障破坏轻 ,并能在一定程度上减低后囊混浊。结论 F- HSM IOL s较目前常用的 PMMA IOL s有更好的生物相容性。已通过国家指定的检测中心 ,按 IOL 国际标准检测 ,性能全部符合国际标准的要求 。
Objective To study the biocompatibility of fluorine heparin surface modified intraocular lenses (F HSM IOLs) and provide theoretical and experimental basis for clinical use and new IOL development.Methods The technique of carrier energy ion beam combined with low temperature and low pressure plasma was used to modify the surface of polymethyl methacrylate intraocular lenses (PMMA IOLs). The physicochemical and optical properties of F HSM IOLs were examined. In vitro , the cultured cells adherence and growth on IOLs were studied. In vivo , F HSM IOLs were implanted into rabbits' and Rhesus Monkeys' eyes. Results There were fewer adhered cells on the surface of F HSM IOLs with no toxicity to the cultured fibroblasts. F HSM IOLs caused less inflammatory reaction, broke blood aqueous barrier more slightly and decreased posterior capsular opacity. F HSM IOLs possess better biocompatibility. Our research also found that the light brownish F HSM IOLs can prevent the short wave length light and ultraviolet rays from injuring the retina. Conclusion F HSM IOLs possess better biocompatibility than conventional PMMA IOLs and can be used in clinical works after further inspection and approval.
Recent Advances in Ophthalmology
天津市科委自然科学基金资助(编号 :9414 0 90 15 )~~
fluorine heparin
surface modified
intraocular lenses