
模式刺激对斜视性弱视猫治疗效果的P-VEP观察 被引量:1

P-VEP observation on the effect of strabismic amblyopic kittens with pattern stimulus therapy
摘要 目的 观察六面标准化模式刺激治疗箱治疗斜视性弱视幼猫的图形视觉诱发电位 ( pattern visual evoked potential,P- VEP)改变 ,评价模式刺激治疗箱治疗斜视性弱视幼猫效果的可靠性。方法  4周龄正常、斜视和治疗组幼猫各 12只。斜视组和治疗组均在 4周龄时行外直肌切断 +部分切除手术 ,产生内斜视。8周龄时 ,治疗组行非斜视眼眼睑缝合造成遮盖治疗模型 ,其中 6只猫只接受自然刺激治疗 ( 组 ) ,另 6只猫追加模式刺激治疗( 组 )。麻醉下记录 P- VEP,比较治疗 、 组治疗前后 P1 波振幅和潜时变化。结果 斜视性弱视眼治疗 4周和 8周后 ,其 P- VEP P1 波振幅和潜时改变在 2治疗组之间均具有统计意义。 Objective To observe the changes of pattern visual evoked potential(P VEP) with six sided standard pattern stimulus therapy box on esotropic kittens, and ev aluate the reliability of amblyopic curative effect of pattern stimulus.Methods Thirty six kittens of 4 week old were divided into normal group, strabismic group and therapeutic group. The lateral rectus muscle of 1 eye was sectioned under anaesthesia in order to induce an esotropic squint in strabismic group and therapeutic group. In therapeutic group, the non squint eyelids of six kittens of 8 week old esotropic were sutured to induce the model of occlusion therapy(GroupⅠ), another 6 kittens were reversely occluded combined with pattern stimulus therapy(GroupⅡ). Latency and amplitude of P VEP P 1 were recorded under anaesthesia, and the changes were compared with GroupⅠand Group Ⅱ before and after treatment.Results The changes of P VEP P 1 wave(latency and amplitude) were significant in the two therapeutic groups, both 4 weeks and 8 weeks after treatment.Conclusion The result indicates that the six sided standard pattern stimulus is effective on animal experimental model.
出处 《眼科新进展》 CAS 2003年第3期160-163,共4页 Recent Advances in Ophthalmology
基金 卫生部科学研究基金资助(编号:1998BA1CKB1) 山东省自然科学基金资助 (编号:Y98C14 0 43 )
关键词 斜视性弱视 幼猫 模式刺激 图形视觉诱发电位 strabismic amblyopia kitten pattern stimulus P VEP
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