目的 用分形维数刻画肝脏图像的纹理特征。方法 以差分盒计算方法计算肝脏CT图像表面灰度的分维数值。结果 正常肝组织CT图像表面灰度的分维数值小于癌变肝脏组织CT图像表面的分维数值。结论 (1)正常肝脏软组织的分维数值大约在2.35左右,而肝癌软组织的分维数大约在2.40;(2)同一脏器软组织的分维数值与它们所处的位置无关,只与组织所表现出来的性质有关,即:是正常组织还是癌变组织;(3)分维数值从某种意义上代表了组织的一些纹理特征。
Objective The texture of liver image was exhibited by its fractional dimension.Method The value of fractional dimension for liver CT image is calculated by differential box counting. Result The value of normal liver image is smaller than that of abnormal one. Conclusion (1) The value of normal liver CT image is about 2.35, while that of abnormal one is about 2.40. (2) The fractional dimension of the same parenchyma image is not related to their location,but to their inherent character of texture. (3) The value of fractional dimension represents some characteristics of texture in a sense.
Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force