
欧盟转基因作物审批制度及其对我国的启示 被引量:8

Genetically Modified crops approval system in European Union and its implications for China
摘要 近年来欧美等主要农产品贸易大国之间由于转基因作物审批不同步引发的农产品贸易问题日益凸显。大量事实表明欧盟于上世纪90年代建立的严格的转基因作物审批制度对其经济产生了较大负面影响。我国与欧盟在农业上具有极为相似的特点,本研究利用文献研究法对欧盟转基因作物审批制度的内容、特点、引发的问题及其经济影响进行了研究分析,并将欧盟与我国转基因作物审批制度的内容及影响因素进行比较,以期能得出对我国转基因作物审批制度改革的启示及具体建议。结果表明:1)安全评估时间较长、商业化审批程序复杂并有一些特殊要求是欧盟审批周期较长的原因,而且受社会经济因素影响,审批的最终结果具有不确定性;2)转基因作物禁止商业化种植使得农民遭受了潜在经济损失,转基因研发企业积极性受到打击并出现大量人才流失;3)转基因作物新品种难以获得进口审批使得欧盟饲料进口量逐年下降,下游的畜牧产业受到冲击,社会总福利每年损失96亿欧元;4)预计未来更多转基因作物新品种将滞留在审批系统中,因转基因成分低水平混杂(LLP)问题引发的贸易摩擦将在更大范围内出现,更多的农户和企业将受到影响;5)欧盟应该通过加快安全评估速度、建立科学的投票表决机制、加强对经济影响的风险评估及其风险交流等措施来提升欧盟审批制度的公平性和效率,进而增进欧盟整体社会福利。建议我国加强转基因作物审批阶段风险管理的科学性、民主性、经济性及社会性,重视并加强与公众的风险交流,适时适量批准转基因作物新品种的进口或商业化。 In recent years agricultural trade issues caused by asynchronized approval of GM crops became increasingly prominent between Europe and the United States.A large amounts of facts showed that the strict GM crops approval system in EU established in the 1990shas produced a greater negative impact on its economy.Because China's agriculture had similar characteristics with EU,in order to draw inspiration and proposals for reforming GM crops approval system in China,an analysis of EU GM crops approval system by literature research method was conducted, including the contents,characteristics,problems and the economic impact.Furthermore,the approval regimes of GM crops between EU and China were compared and analyzed.The results showed that:1)Long time were needed for safety assessment a as the approval procedures were more complex and there were some special requirements for approval;and the final approval result was uncertain since it was affected by social economic factors;2)Farmers was suffered a potential economic losses,and the enthusiasm of GM crops R&D enterprise was restrained and appeared brain drain;3)The import quantity of feed such as corn,soybean declined dramatically,downstream livestock industries were severely blown,and the social total welfare was lost in 9.6billion euros every year;4)It was estimated in thefuture more and more GM Crops will be stranded in the approval system,trade friction will be increasing resulted from LLP of GM ingredients,and more and more farmers and enterprises will be affected;5)To promote the overall social welfare,EU should improve the fairness and efficiency of the approval system by speeding up the safety evaluation, setting up a voting mechanism,strengthening risk communication based on the impact assessment.Lastly,the revelation for China was that we should pay more attention to the assessment and management of economy and society risk in the approval stage,implement risk communication with the public in a widely range,and approve the appropriate GM crops varieties for importing and commercial cultivation at the right time.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期1-10,共10页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2013M540915) 国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项课题(2012ZX08011003-02)
关键词 转基因作物 欧盟 审批 安全管理 Genetically Modified crops European Union approval security management
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