近年来,随着北京市昌平区草莓产业的高速发展,植保机械作为农业丰收的有力武器,对昌平区草莓的生产和发展具有重要的意义。北京市昌平区农业机械化技术推广站于2012年在昌平区内进行了关于植保机械使用情况的调研工作,其主要目的是为进一步示范推广便携实用型植保机械、规范作业器具提供科学可靠的参考。调研结果显示,昌平区现有手动打药机约4 700余台,基本用于设施内作物的植保作业。目前,农户给设施内作物施肥、杀虫灭菌使用的传统背负式手动打药机,药箱容量在15 L左右,一栋标准的日光温室(50 m×8 m)杀虫灭菌一次平均需要3箱药液,耗时60 min左右,工作效率低,雾化效果差,并且会导致温室内湿度大幅提高,不利于农作物生长,也不符合当前北京发展高效节水农业政策。针对昌平区温室植保作业施药机具陈旧落后、工作效率低和用水量大的问题,急需引进高效节水的小型便携式植保机械。水雾烟雾两用机的作业效率高,标准温室杀虫、灭菌一次只需3~5 min,其省时省力、杀虫灭菌率高、喷洒距离远且覆盖面积大,能够很好地保证作物健康生长。试验表明,水雾烟雾两用机值得在设施农业生产中广泛推广。
In recent years,with rapid development of strawberry industry in Changping district of Beijing,plant protection machinery as a powerful weapon for agricultural harvest,has great significance to production and development of strawberry in Changping district. Agricultural Machinery Promotion Station of Changping District conducted research on service condition of plant protection machinery in Changping district in 2012,aiming to provide scientific and reliable reference for further demonstration and promotion of portable practical plant protection machinery and regulate use of machines and tools. Research results showed that there were about 4 700 manual pesticide sprayers,mainly applied to plant protection of crops in greenhouse. At present,farmers use traditional backpack manual sprayer to fertilize crops in facilities and kill insects and bacteria,manual sprayer has a capacity of about 15 L. A standard solar greenhouse( 50 m × 8 m) requires an average of 3 boxes of liquid at a time,which takes about 60 min,its low work efficiency,poor atomization effect,and will lead to a large increase in greenhouse humidity,that does not conducive to growth of crops and conform to current policy of developing efficient and water-saving agriculture in Beijing. To solve problems of low work efficiency and high water consumption of old and backward plant protection equipment in Changping district,it is urgent to introduce small portable plant protection machinery with high efficiency and water saving.Portable water and aerosol sprayer has high operating efficiency,a standard solar greenhouse only needs about 3 ~ 5 min to kill insects and bacteria at a time,it could save time and effort,with high insecticide sterilization rate,far spraying distance and large coverage area,therefore guarantee healthy growth of crops in facilities. Tests showed that water and aerosol sprayer was worth popularizing extensively in facility agriculture production.
Plant protection
Mist sprayer