
玉米穗茎兼收割台切割夹持输送装置仿真与试验 被引量:15

Simulation and Test on Straw Cutting and Clamping Device of Corn Combine Harvester for Stalk and Ears
摘要 以切割夹持装置为研究对象,采用Recurdyn软件构建玉米植株和切割夹持装置的刚柔混合系统,仿真分析了割刀与夹持点水平距离(-70、-35、0、35、70 mm)和果穗生长方向(机器前进方向、机器前进反向、垂直前进方向)对植株结穗点位移的影响。仿真结果表明:割刀与夹持点水平距离为-70 mm和-35 mm时,植株无夹持切割,会向果穗生长方向倾斜,容易造成损失;割刀与夹持点水平距离为0、35、70 mm时,植株夹持切割,结穗点位移变化规律相同,距离越大,对秸秆切碎均匀性越不利。试制穗茎兼收玉米割台,在机器作业速度为1.2 m/s、夹持输送链线速度为1.39 m/s时,进行了割刀与夹持点水平距离分别为-70 mm和35 mm时的田间对比试验。田间试验结果为:割刀与夹持点水平距离为-70 mm时,植株收获总损失率为36.2%,水平距离为35 mm时,植株收获总损失率仅为3.3%,表明先夹持再切割可以大大减小植株收获损失率,验证了仿真分析的合理性及可靠性。 In order to study the influence of relative setting position between reciprocating cutter and nip point of gripping chains and the growth direction of corn ears on corn harvesting performance,a new gripping device of corn combine harvesting of corn stalk and ears in the cramping-cutting-transporting type was designed. A rice special agricultural chain was used to replace the gathering chain and gripping chain of gripping device in original corn combine harvester. The theory of dividing,dialing and gripping corn stalk was analyzed. Recurdyn software was employed to build a rigid-flexible system with corn stalk as flexible part and cutting-grapping device as rigid element. The effect of five horizontal distances between reciprocating cutter and nip point of gripping chains and three growth directions of corn ear on motion of ear growth point were simulated. The five distances were- 70 mm,- 35 mm,0 mm,35 mm and 70 mm,respectively,and the three directions were separately machine forwarding direction,opposite and vertical to forward directions. The simulation results showed that both the growth direction of corn ears and relative distance had effect on motion of corn plants. When the horizontal distance was- 70 mm and- 35 mm,corn plants were cut with no cramping,they would incline to the direction of corn ear growing;when the distance was 0 mm,35 mm and 70 mm,corn plants were cut with cramping and they would move with gripping chains. A corn combine harvester for stalk and ears was designed and manufactured to test the performance of cutting and gripping device with horizontal distance of- 70 mm and- 35 mm in the field. Field tests were made at machine working speed of 1. 2 m / s and gripping chain speed of1. 39 m / s. The results indicated that when the horizontal position of cutter relative to the nip point of grip chains was- 70 mm,the total plant loss was 36. 2%,while it was 3. 3% with the position of 35 mm.This verified that cutting with gripping could greatly reduce the grain harvesting loss,and it proved that the simulation analysis was reasonable and reliable. This study illustrated corn combine harvester for stalk and ears in the cramping-cutting-transporting type needed to cut with gripping and provided a basis for design of corn combine in this type.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S1期215-221,共7页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0701904)
关键词 玉米穗茎兼收 切割夹持装置 仿真 田间试验 corn stalk and ears combine harvesting cutting and gripping device simulation field test
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