

Status and Characteristics of the Evaluation of American Teacher Preparation Program(TPP)
摘要 教师培养项目(TPP)评价是当代美国助推中小学教师质量提升的重要举措,如何对近2000个TPP项目实施科学评价是关涉美国基础教育质量优劣的关键因素之一。当代美国TPP项目评价的大致运作框架是:在评价原则上关注多样性、多主体与多标准;在评价方式上立足实际、关注全程、分类推进,在评价框架上强调全面性与全程性兼顾。美国TPP项目评价的总体特点不仅注重全面全程性与重点性的结合,而且也突出发展性与效能性。科学推进TPP项目评价是美国当代职前教师教育管理的特点与优势之一。 Teacher Preparation Program( TPP) evaluation is an important measure to improve the quality of teachers in contemporary American schools. A valid and scientific evaluation of over 2000 TPP projects is one of the key factors determining the quality of basic education in the United States. The evaluation framework of contemporary American TPP projects is roughly characterized by attending to diversity,multi-subjects and multi-criteria in terms of the evaluating principle; sticking to a path of respecting reality,emphasizing whole process and implementing classification in terms of the evaluating method; and stressing comprehensiveness and sustainability in terms of the evaluating framework. On the whole,TPP project evaluation not only combines process with priorities,but also highlights TPP's development and efficacy. To promote the scientific evaluation of TPP projects is one of the characteristics and advantages of the management of contemporary American pre-service teacher education.
作者 龙宝新
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2016年第4期62-67,76,共7页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
基金 全国教育科学规划教育部重点项目(DAA150203)
关键词 教师培养项目 评价原则 评价方式 评价框架 Teacher Preparation Program evaluation criteria evaluation method evaluation framework
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