江泽民同志提出的“以德治国”方略 ,蕴含了极为丰富的“德治”传统内涵。当代的官德建设就是对古代“为政以德”思想的超越和发展。“以德治国” ,重在治官。官德建设 ,既要加强对为官者的道德教育 ,又要开展为官者的道德自律 ,坚持道德自律与他律相结合 ;建立健全权力监督制约机制 ,约束为官者的行为 ,提高为官者的道德素质 ,重塑新时期官德新形象。
The strategy of running the country by the rule of virtue, put forward by Jiang Ze-min, implicates the profound traditional connotation. The development of current official morality transcends from its ancient thought. Running the country by the rule of virtue emphasizes the official management. During the development of official morality, strengthen the official moral education and self-discipline; improve the system of power supervision to restrict the official action and better the official moral quality and establish a new image of official morality in a new period.
Journal of Daxian Teachers College
四川省教育厅 2 0 0 2年青年基金项目"‘以德治国’的历史与现实"(项目编号SB0 2 - 0 2 7)