地市高校社会服务内容的确定与服务领域的划分是其开展社会服务工作的前提和依据。地市高校社会服务的本质是为区域社会提供智力产品和智力服务 ,按智力产品和智力服务的性质和形态 ,社会服务主要包括人才培养 (培训 )、科技服务、信息服务以及物质资源服务等四项内容。以社会子系统的性质和功能 ,地市高校社会服务领域划分为区域社会政治建设服务、经济建设服务、文化服务、教育服务等等。
The definition of college's social service in the local city and the division of its sphere are the premise and foundation. Its nature is to provide intelligent products and service for the community. According to the quality and shape, social service may be divided into personnel training, scientific and technical service, information service and material resources service. According to the character and function of social subsystem, its service sphere contains social and political constructions, economical construction, culture and education.
Journal of Daxian Teachers College
全国教育科学"十五"规划项目"地市高等教育发展战略研究"(FGB0 1 1 1 82 )