在项目管理中 ,承包商对索赔的管理是提升其经济利益的有力手段。索赔管理的第一步就是要对发生的索赔事件进行分析。通过分别建立索赔事件、索赔费用与索赔原因的模糊关系矩阵 ,并进一步进行关系合成分析 ,从而找出各个索赔事件的关键费用分项 ,为提出准确详实的索赔报告作出前提准备。
In project management, contractors' claims are beneficial methods to improve their economic benefits. The first step of claim is to analyze the on-going claim event. This paper ,through establishing two fuzzy sets from claim events and expenses to claim causes, analyze direct relationship between causes and expenses combing with these sets, then, looking out the key factors in accordance with the going events. Finally, an conclude is made from all of these and also preparing for a true and detailed claim report.
Optimization of Capital Construction