扬州发电有限公司 4号 6 70t/h锅炉 ,长期存在灰渣可燃物含量偏高、锅炉效率偏低的问题。在进行了各种试验后 ,对 4号炉的三次风燃烧系统进行了改造。改造后的试验结果表明 :4号炉在制粉系统现行运行条件下 ,锅炉效率可提高 2
No.4 boiler (670 t/h) in Yangzhou Power Generation Ltd. Com. has the following problems for a long time, high combustible matters in the ash slag and low efficiency of boiler. After execution of different kinds of tests the retrofitting was carried out for the third air combustion system of No.4 boiler. The test results after retrofitting has proved that the boiler efficiency of No. 4 unit can be increased by over 2% while the boiler is under the current operation conditions of the pulverization system. [
Electric Power Construction