UHT超高温灭菌的标准 营养学家常说,牛奶是一个接近完善的全价营养食品。然而很少有人想到过,牛奶经过处理之前隐藏了千千万万我们肉眼看不见的细菌!新鲜牛奶极易腐坏,对加工工艺的要求也就特别严格。因此,怎样既让孩子们喝上营养丰富的新鲜牛奶,又严格保证他们的健康和安全就成了最大的问题。 目前,长期保鲜奶的生产有两种方法。第一种是灌装后二次灭菌,即产品和包装(罐)一起被加热到约116℃,保持20分钟,然后可在环境温度贮存;
Dietetical structure in China is some lack of protein and fattiness.In our daily meal,the high quality protein absorbed is only about 26%,which is much lower than the average 39% in the world. In the nutrient we absorbed, calcium is special lacked,even can't reach a half of we need. Be rich in nutrition,milk is the best choice to most Chinese.But how to keep milk fresh and healthy is really a big question.And in this article,TrePak tells us the advantage of asepsis package.
China Food Industry