

Service Life Time of Ammonia Probe of Automatic m onitoring Apparatus
摘要 文章揭示了造成环境监测仪器的氨气敏电极损坏的原因,提出了延长其使用寿命的方法。首先要保护电板的引线,必须严格按照使用说明书定期进行认真的保养维护,实施氨气敏复合电极膜及其填充液的更换,保护好电极,可延长其寿命。 This article reveals reasons of damages on ammouic probe in emiornmental monitor ing apparatus.Careful pnotection of leads of probes should be done strictly acco rding to the directions for maintenance. The service life time of ammonic probes can be prolonged by measures of replacing ammonic compound probes and the filli ng solution to protect the probes.
作者 高占祥
出处 《城市环境与城市生态》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期58-59,共2页 Urban Environment & Urban Ecology
关键词 水质自动监测仪 氨气敏电极 使用寿命 焊点 填充液 ammonia probe weld service life time fi lling solution
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