
广西龙滩自然保护区短翼蚱科三新种(直翅目:蚱总科) 被引量:12

Three New Species of Metrodoridae (Orthoptera: Tetrigoidea) from Longtan Natural Protectorate, Guangxi
摘要 记述采自广西龙滩自然保护区短翼蚱科3新种,即尖翅狭顶蚱Systolederusspicupennissp.nov.,龙滩大磨蚱Macromotettixlongtanensissp.nov.及白须拟科蚱Cotysoidesalbipalppulussp.nov.,模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。 In this paper, three new species of Metrodoridae are described. All types are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University. 1. Systolederus spicupennis, sp. nov. (Figs.1~3) This species is similar to Systolederus guangxiensis Zheng, but differs in: 1) in profile, upper margin of pronotum straight; 2) without a pair of short lon gitudinal keels between the shoulders; 3) hind process of pronotum nearly reachi ng the top of hind tibia; 4) top of elytra sharp; 5) width of midfemur equal to the width of elytra; 6) out part of lower side of hind femur black; 7) hind tibi a with two black bands. Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Tian'e (Bank of Buliu He), 260~300 m, 106 °9′E, 24°9′N, 06 Ⅷ 2002; paratypes 3♂♂5♀♀, Tian'e (Bank of Buliu He ), 320 m, 07 Ⅷ 2002, 1♂1♀, Tian'e (Bank of Chuandong He), 380 m, 106°8′E , 24°8′N, 03 Ⅷ 2002, coll. by Jiang Guofang. 2. Macromotettix longtanensis, sp. nov. (Figs.4~5) This species is similar to Macromotettix louxiaoshanensis Zheng et Fu, b ut differs in: 1) width of vertex narrower than the width of an eye; 2) anterior margin of pronotum straight; 3) humeral angle obtuse angular; 4) antennae inser ted the lower margins of eyes; 5) hind process of poronotum extending over the t op of hind femur. Holotype ♂, Guangxi: Tian'e (Tree farm of Dashan), 1150 m, 106 °8′E, 24°8′N, 03 Ⅷ 2002, coll. by Jiang Guofang. 3. Cotysoides albipalpulus, sp. nov. (Figs.6~8) This species is similar to Cotysoides guangxiensis Zheng et Jiang, but d iffers in: 1) width of vertex as wide as the width of an eye; 2) in profile, ver tex and frontal ridge for ming an obtuse rounded shape; 3) width of sulcus of f rontal ridge wider than the width of first segment antenna; 4) anterior angle of later al lobe of poronotum obtuse angular; 5) top of elytra wide round; 6) lower margi n of midfemur straight; 7) in female, with a triangular projecting in the middle of hind margin of subgenital plate. Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Tian'e (Bank of Buliu He), 500~800 m, 106 °9′E, 24°9′N, 08 Ⅷ 2002; paratypes, 2♀♀, Tian'e (Tree farm of Dashan), 1150 m, 106°8′E, 24°8′N,03 Ⅷ 2002; 2♂♂5♀♀, Tian'e (Bank of Buliu He), 280~300 m, 06 Ⅷ 2002; 4♂♂3♀♀, Tian'e (Bank of Buliu He), 320 m, 07 Ⅷ 2002; 2 ♀♀, Tian'e (Bank of Chuandong He), 380 m, 03 Ⅷ 2002, coll. by Jiang Guofang.
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期79-84,共6页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 直翅目 蚱总科 短翼蚱科 新种 广西 Orthoptera Tetrigoidea Metrodoridae new sp ecies Guangxi
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  • 2郑哲民.西双版纳地区蚱总科的研究(直翅目)[J].动物分类学报,1998,23(2):161-184. 被引量:43












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