精选层状硅铝酸盐矿物高岭石 (Al4[Si4O1 0 ](OH) 8)为起始原料 ,经高温固相反应 (~ 10 0 0℃ )合成了具有架状结构的Na1 .2 +yAl0 .1 YbyZr1 .9-ySi0 .1 P2 .9O1 2 系统 (简称Yb -Nasicon)的钠快离子导体 .XRD分析结果表明 ,当y≤ 0 .7时得到空间群为R3c的合成物 ,当 0 .7<y≤ 1.7时得到空间群为C2 C 的合成物 ,当y >1.7时出现未知相 .交流阻抗技术测定的电导率数据结果表明y =1.0的合成物具有最高的离子电导率 ,其在 5 73K和 6 73K时的电导率分别为 1.18S m和 5 .89S m ,473- 6 73K间的电导激活能为 36 .4kJ mol.
Refined natural kaolinite has been used as a starting material for preparing new sodium fast ion conductors Na 1.2+yAl 0.1Yb yZr 1.9-ySi 0.1P 2.9O 12 system (referred to as Yb-Nasicon) by high temperature (-1?000?℃) solid phase reaction for about 20?h. X-ray powder diffraction shows that a Nasicon phase with R3c space group exists in the composition range of y≤0.7, a Nasicon phase with space group of C 2/C exists in the composition range of 0.7<y≤1.7, a new phase appears when y>1.7. The results of electrical measurements indicate that the initial composition with y1.0 possesses maximum ionic conductivity of 1.18?S/m and 5.89?S/m at 573?K and 673?K respectively and its activation energy is 36.4?kJ/mol in the temperature range of 473-673?K.
Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science Edition)
福建省青年人才科技创新专项基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1J0 19)
福建省教育厅基金资助项目 (JB0 10 46 )
福州大学人才基金资助项目 (XJY - 0 112 ) .