针对铜陵铜官山铜矿硫精砂综合利用所进行的试验研究,采用了内热多段焙烧工艺,使硫精砂中的硫砷主要以元素硫,单质砷和硫砷化物的形式产出,大大减少了尾气中SO2和As2O3的含量,便于环保。试验中,硫、砷的脱除率分别达到了98 4%和99 1%,金浸出率达到84 1%,在实验室规模上实现了该硫精砂的综合利用。
The experiments on comprehensive utilization of high-arsenic sulfide concentrate are reviewed.By means of multi-stage autogenous roasting,the sulfur and arsenic are produced mainly in the form of element sulfur,simple substance of arsenic and sulfur-arsenic compounds,so as the content of SO2 and As2O3 in tail gas is greatly reduced.The experimental result shows that the de-sulfur ratio and de-arsenic ratio reached 984% and 991% respectively and the leaching recovery of gold reached 841%.
Yunnan Metallurgy