Spraying 2.4-D (0.09mL/m2) at 3-leaf stage of wheat has the effect of weed control in wheat field, while it affects yield and quality adversely, the 1000-kernel weight and yield dropped by 6.36% and 1.37%, respectively, on the average of two years' data. Among the quality characters, test weight lecveased by 2.41% and sedimentation value dropped by 6.2mL while protein and wet gluten content had no obvious change, compared with check. Spraying the mixture of 2.4-D and potassium di-hydrogen phosphate can improve the adverse effect of 2.4-D on wheat yield and quality. Yield, protein and wet gluten content can be raised by 1.17%, 1.2% and 1.7%, respectively, while sedimentation value is also improved. Therefore spraying 2.4-D combined with potassium di-hydrogen phosphate at 3-leaf stage of wheat take the effect of improving the yield and quality. Spraying 2.4-D at heading stage increased 1000-kernel weight and yield, protein and wet gluten content raised by 0.6% and 1.7%, while sedimentation value dropped by 1.7%. As a co-agent, methyl alcohol can not affect wheat yield and quality obviously when it is sprayed singly. However, it can increase yield by 1.36%~1.9% when it is used with 2.4-D together for foliage spraying, while quality characters including protein, wet gluten content and sedimentation value were improved within various extent. Therefore, we support that methyl alcohol could be mixed with 2.4-D for foliage spraying at heading stage.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences