A diode laser array(DLA)positioned in an external cavity can receive the radiations emitted from its neighboring elements (C 1) and that of itself (S) after being reflected at the DLA facet as well as from the external mirror (C 0). Considering the fact that|C 0/S| should be larger than unity if the external cavity is effective,and|C 1/S| should be larger than unity if the phase locking may be established in the external cavity.The requirements on the reflection at the facet of the diode laser array have been specified in terms of the cavity length and reflection coefficient of the external mirror.
A diode laser array (DLA) positioned in an external cavity can receive theradiations emitted from its neighboring elements (C_1) and that of itself (S) after being reflectedat the DLA facet as well as from the external mirror (C_0). Considering the fact that |C_0/S| shouldbe larger than unity if the external cavity is effective, and |C_1/S| should be larger than unityif the phase locking may be established in the external cavity. The requirements on the reflectionat the facet of the diode laser array have been specified in terms of the cavity length andreflection coefficient of the external mirror.