本文在对我国 2 0世纪上半叶著名法律史学家杨鸿烈的生平事迹进行叙述的基础上 ,着重对其三部代表作《中国法律发达史》、《中国法律思想史》和《中国法律对东亚诸国之影响》的基本内容、主要特征和在学说史上的贡献作了阐述 ,并就中国现代法律史学如何走向繁荣发表了看法。
Yang Hong lie is a well-known Chinese scholar in the field of legal history in the first half of the 20th century. Based on his life story, this article puts emphasis on expounding the basic contents, the primary features, and the contributions on legal history of his three representative works: the development of Chinese law, the history of the Chinese legal thoughts, and the influence of Chinese law on the countries of east Asia. And the author also expresses an opinion on how the proper of the legal history research is made in contemporary China.
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