针对常规的电路课程实验的缺陷 ,提出在“电路”课程教学中开展课程设计 ,并用实验验证设计效果 ;讨论了有关课题选择、时间安排、实验条件及学生成绩评定依据等问题 ;给出了学生的设计作品实例。这种既动脑又动手的课程设计在培养学生的自学能力、用工程的观念独立解决实际问题的能力以及培养学生耐心、协作。
Aiming at the drawbacks in ordinary experiments, developing the design projects in circuit course teaching and the design effects must be verified through practice is pointed out in this article. Some problems such as how to select the projects, how to arrange time, the conditions of the experiment, the basis for evaluating the students' marks and so on are discussed. In projects paper it is emphasized that such a design projects requires students not only rack their brains but also perform the experiments themselves. It plays an important role in developing students' engineering-oriented diathesis, such as learning by oneself, solving the problems independently, be patient, be cooperative, be practical and realistic.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education