系统研究了我国全肿腿蜂属HolepyrisKieffer,190 4的种类 ,记录 7新种中国 2新纪录种和 1已知种共 10种 ,包括采自山东、浙江、福建、台湾和贵州的热海全肿腿蜂H .atamiensis (Ashmead) ,采自河南的瘦全肿腿蜂H .macilentussp .nov .,采自福建的角唇全肿腿蜂H .angulatussp .nov .,采自山东的黄足全肿腿蜂H .fulvussp .nov .,采自浙江和甘肃的褐足全肿腿蜂H .fuscussp .nov .,采自浙江和福建的惹全肿腿蜂H .yambaruTerayama ,采自浙江的古田山全肿腿蜂H .gutianshanensissp .nov .,采自浙江和福建的中华全肿腿蜂H .sinensissp .nov .,采自山东的细胸全肿腿蜂H .susanowoTerayama和采自浙江的伊文思全肿腿蜂H .evansisp .nov .。全部模式标本保存于浙江大学植物保护系寄生蜂标本室。热海全肿腿蜂Holepyrisatamiensis (Ashmead ,190 4)(图 1~ 2 )分布 :中国 (山东 ,浙江 ,福建 ,台湾 ,贵州 ) ;日本。瘦全肿腿蜂 ,新种Holepyrismacilentussp .nov .(图 3~ 4,9)分布 :中国 (河南 )。鉴定标本 :正模♀ ,1998 0 7 14,河南内乡宝天曼 ,陈学新采 ,编号 98873 1。角唇全肿腿蜂 ,新种Holepyrisangulatussp .nov.(图 5~ 6)分布 :中国 (福建 )。鉴定标本 :正模♂ ,1994 0 7 14,福建武夷山桐木 ,陈学新采 ,编号
This paper examines the systematic relationships of Chinese species of the genus Holepyris Kieffer, 1904. The following ten species are recognized: H. atamiensis (Ashmead) from Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guizhou and Taiwan; H. macilentus sp. nov. from Henan; H. angulatus sp. nov. from Fujian; H. fulvus sp. nov. from Shandong; H. fuscus sp. nov. from Zhejiang and Gansu; H. yambaru Terayama from Zhejiang and Fujian; H. gutianshanensis sp. nov. from Zhejiang; H. sinensis sp. nov. from Zhejiang and Fujian; H. susanowo Terayama from Shandong; H. evansi sp. nov. from Zhejiang. All the type specimens are kept in the Department of Plant Protection, Zhejiang University, China.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica