很多企业家可能都有这样的体会:企业做大了,反而没有了原来的乐趣。创业初期企业像一个大家庭,充满了活力,随着企业规模慢慢地扩大,原来的这些乐趣没有了,甚至会有一种被各种报表和会议淹没的感觉。 任何企业,在规模壮大以后都会产生一些类似的改变:企业的管理更依赖条规,不认识的人会越来越多,交流不能再像过去那样总能面对面。创业的激情和企业的活力很容易在这种转变中泯灭掉,这或许是中国企业家必须面对的挑战。
Many entrepreneurs may have the experience: when the firm they founded becomes big, they are no longer interesting. In early period, the staff is usually dynamic, as the enterprise grows up, executives often feel as swimming in sheets and meetings.Every enterprise would change as it grows big: doing management by rules, more and more new faces, and less face-to-face communications. The exciting feeling and the energy in early period are easy to disappear in the change. It is a challenge for Chinese entrepreneurs to change their mentality as well and establish a good management system.