自1996年MSP430十六位单片机问世以来,它的低功耗性能及丰富的片内资源受到各方面的好评,本文针对 MSP430F13x及MSP43014X系列单片机中的定时器进行介绍,利用定时器A(Timer_A)和定时器B(Timer_B)中的捕获 比较寄存器来开发多个串行通信口,使十六位单片机在通信领域发挥更大的潜力。
Since the invention of MSP430 16-bit single chip processor in 1996, it has been receiving praises for its low power consumption and plentiful on-chip resource. This paper introduces the timers used on MSP43QF13X and MSP43014X serial single chip processors for the purpose of utilizing the capture/comparison register within the Timer A(Timer_A) and Timer B (Timer_B) to develop multiple serial communication port in order that 16-bit single chip processor can play greater role in the communication industry.
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