目的 :通过胚胎骨移植增高关节结节 ,同时缩小囊腔 ,为治疗颞下颌关节习惯性脱位 ,寻找新的材料。方法 :无菌条件下取 5~ 7月胚胎股骨 ,密封后置入液氮罐内深冷 ( - 1 96℃ ) 1周以上 ;耳前切口暴露关节 ,用骨凿在关节结节基底处自前下斜向后上凿入 1 cm,并用骨凿使关节结节向后下折裂形成楔形裂隙 ,裂隙内插入修整好的胚胎骨。结果 :胚胎骨移植重建增高了关节结节 ,缩小了关节腔 ,术后随访 3~ 5年无复发。结论
Objective: To find new material for treatment of the recurrent dislocation of temporomandibular joint through implantation of cryopreserved embryonic femur. Methods: 5~7 month embryonic femora obtained in asepsis were preserved for hermetically seal liquefied nitrogen chamber, frozen for over one week. The joint was revealed by preauricular incision, and then the articular eminence was split to form cuneiform split. The cryopreserved embryonic femur was implanted into the split. Results:By the method the articular eminence was augmented, the capsule was tightened. The disease didn′t recur during the postoperative following up for 3 to 5 years. Conclusion: It is reliable to implant cryopreserved embryonic femur in reconstruction joint to treat the recurrent dislocation of temporomandibular joint.
Journal of Jilin University:Medicine Edition