洛阳铁路分局管内南阳、邓州地区,每年春运期间都有农村富余劳动力形成大量民工客流,为此分局坚持 “以点带线,以线带面,以春运营销带动整体工作发展”的经营战略,通过客流调查,宣传铁路优势,增加临客保证运力,加强乘降组织,提高服务质量等方法,以南阳和邓州车站为主战场,大打春运会战,使春运成为洛阳铁路分局重要经济增长点。
During every Spring Festival, there used to be large passenger flowsof countryside workers (redundant labors of agricultural work) coming fromNanyang and Dengzhou regions that are within the management range ofLuoyang Railway Sub-Administration. Luoyang Railway Sub-Administration stickson the management strategy of 'point-line-surface hierarchical structure , to pro-mote the development of overall work by the marketing of Spring Festival pas-senger transport'. By passenger flow investigation, communication of railwayadvantages, enhancement of passenger transport ability, reinforcement of pas-senger riding organization, improvement of service quality, taking Nanyang andDengzhou stations as emphasis, Luoyang Railway Sub-Administration launchesa mass campaign of Spring Festival passenger transport and it becomes a im-portant economical increase point for Luoyang Railway Sub-Administration.
Railway Transport and Economy