21世纪世界上最激烈的竞争是人才的竞争 ,而心理素质又是人才的素质中最重要的组成部分 ,心理健康是时代的召唤 ,当代大学生就是现代化建设所需要的高素质人才的后备军 ,他们是否具备健康的心理直接关系到个人潜能的开发与利用和人才培养的质量。本文对当代大学生的心理健康状况进行了调查与分析 ,旨在通过分析发现问题 ,提出对策 。
In the 21 st centuries,the talent competition is the hottest competition around teh world,and the psychology is the most important part of human-being The physical fitness is a call of the modern civilization College students through the higher educational background are the reserve force of the modernization We found that the strong and directly line between the good mental condition and the personal potential realization and the quality of the talent The paper aims at analyzing and discovering problems and making up solutions,and strengthening the psychology quality of the college students
higher education forum