采用湿法对广西宁明膨润土矿进行提纯 ,分别考察膨润土原土的粒度、浆液的液固比、搅拌时间及沉降时间对提纯效果的影响 ,并对产品用酸性无机絮凝剂絮凝沉淀后 ,再以醇类进行脱水处理。结果表明 :当膨润土原矿的粒度为 75~ 85目 ,浆液的液固比为 12 ,搅拌时间为 80 min,沉降时间为 12 0 min时 ,可将膨润土原矿中蒙脱石含量从 6 0 %提高到 83%左右。纯化过程的絮凝沉淀 ,能有效地分离出膨润土胶体溶液中的大量水分 。
The wet way purification technique is used to purify bentonite from Ningming,Guangxi The effects of the particle size of bentonite,liquid solid ratio of bentonite slurry,stirring time and sedimentation time on the purification of bentonite are studied The products are flocculated and precipitated by the acidic inorganic flocculation,then dehydrated by the alcohol As it can be seen,when the particle size of bentonite is between 75 to 85 mesh,the liquid solid ratio of bentonite slurry is 12,stirring time and sedimentation time are 80 minutes and 120 minutes respectively,the montmorillonite content of bentonite can be increased to 83% from 60%.The bentonite colloid solution can be dehydrated effectively by flocculation in the purification processes.The purified bentonite after dehydration disperse well
Guangxi Sciences
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (No.2 980 60 0 4)
广西自然科学基金资助项目(桂科配 9912 0 2 9)
广西"十百千人才工程"专项基金资助项目 (2 0 0 0 2 2 8)