对不同碱度、温度及P/N质量比下的生物陶粒批式硝化过程进行了研究 .结果表明 ,一定范围内提高碱度将有利于氨的氧化和促进亚硝酸盐氮的积累 ,对二者都适合的氨氮 /碳酸氢钠质量比应在 1 / 1 2~ 1 / 1 6之间 .温度对NO- 2 N的积累具有十分重要的影响 ,当温度低于 32℃时 ,水中NO- 2 N的积累量明显减少 ,NO- 3 N的生成量大大增加 ;而当温度为 38℃时 ,由于亚硝化菌和硝化菌都受到了抑制 ,硝化速率下降 ;当温度为 36℃时 ,最大NO- 2 N生成量可达初始氨氮量的 89.94 % ,因此对NO- 2 N的积累最为有利 .在P/N质量比为 0 ,1 / 1 0和 1 / 5的情况下 ,随着P/N比的增加 ,氨的平均氧化速率、NO- 2 N和NO- 3 N的平均积累速率均下降 ,呈负相关关系 ,因此为了有效地进行硝化 ,应将P/N比控制在1 / 1 0以下 .
Batch studies on the nitrification process using biological porcelain granule under different alkalinity, temperature and P/N ratio(in mass) were performed. The results show that increasing the alkalinity in certain range is favorable for ammonium oxidation and NO - 2 N accumulation. Moreover, the appropriate mass ratio of NH + 4 N to NaHCO 3 is 1/12~1/16. Temperature has important influence on NO - 2 N accumulation. When temperature is below 32 ℃, NO - 2 N decreases markedly whereas NO - 3 N accumulates. The nitrosomonas and nitrobacteria will be inhibited and the rate of nitrification will decrease in 38 ℃. The maximal accumulation of NO - 2 N could reach 89.94% of the NH + 4 N added at the beginning of the process in 36 ℃, this suggests that 36 ℃ is the most favorable temperature for the accumulation of NO - 2 N. The nitrification process in three P/N ratios, i.e. 0, 1/10 and 1/5 was studied. It shows that the average oxidation rate of ammonium, the accumulation rates of NO - 2 N and NO - 3 N would decline when P/N ratio increases. This implies that a negative correlativity is between them. Thus, to make the nitrification process well perform, P/N ratio should be controlled under 1/10.
Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)