目的 :探讨二级脾蒂离断同步自体脾血回输在脾切除术中的应用价值。方法 :1 999年 1 1月~ 2 0 0 2年 9月间门静脉高压 ,淤血性脾肿大 38例病人 ,其中 2 1例采用二级脾蒂离断同步自体脾血回输 ,1 7例采用传统脾血回输方法。比较两组的脾血回输量、手术时间、术中出血量、手术前后血红蛋白变化及异体输血情况。结果 :二级脾蒂离断同步自体脾血回输组脾血回输量高于传统脾血回输组 (P <0 .0 5)。手术时间、术中出血量、手术前后血红蛋白增加值两组差别无统计意义 (P >0 .0 5)。传统脾血回输组有 4例行异体输血 (2 0 0~40 0ml) ,同步自体脾血回输组未行异体输血。结论 :二级脾蒂离断同步自体脾血回输技术 ,操作简便 ,显著提高了自体脾血回输量 。
Objective:To evaluate the clinical value of the technique of spleen subpedicel severance self spleen blood synchro-transfusion in splenectomy.Methods:From November 1999 to September 2002,in 38 parients with portal vein hypertention,21 cases underwent spleen subpedicel severance self spleen blood synchro-transfusion,17 cases underwent traditional self spleen blood transfusion compare operative time,haemorrhage volume,hemoglobin variety and xonema blood transfusion status.Results:The volume of self spleen blood synchro-transfusion was significantly higher than traditional self spleen blood transfusion( P< 0.05).There were no significant difference in the operative time ,haemorrhage volume,hemoglobin variety between two groups( P> 0.05).There were 4 parients underwent xonema blood transfusion in traditional self spleen blood transfusion nil in self spleen blood synchro-transfusion.Conclusion:Spleen subpedicel severance self spleen blood synchro-transfusion significanly increase the volume of self spleen blood transfusion,avoid xonema blood transfusion.
China Journal of Endoscopy