
中国区域发展的新因素与新格局 被引量:225

New factors and new patterns of regional development in China
摘要 本文阐述了国民经济战略性结构调整在区域层面上的反应 ,分析了影响我国区域发展的新因素及所形成的新格局。自 2 0世纪 90年代初期起 ,影响我国区域发展的矿产资源、水资源、交通等传统因素的作用就逐渐下降。经济国际化在促进我国经济持续快速发展的同时 ,也在明显改变着我国的区域发展格局。信息、科技、生态环境、体制创新等都成为影响我国区域发展的新因素。在上述因素的综合作用下 ,近年来 ,我国地区间的经济发展差距全面扩大 ,工业化水平的地区性和地带性差异更为明显。几十年在计划经济体制下形成的我国产业布局特别是工业布局 ,近年来发生了较大尺度的空间转移。在区域发展新格局形成过程中 ,我国区域发展也出现了值得注意的严重倾向 :大多数地区应该重视基础产业的发展及其现代化 ,一些地区不适宜大规模发展高新技术产业 。 Since the beginning of the 1990s, national economy of China has entered an important transformation period. Meanwhile, a series of changes have taken place within China. This paper provides the generalization of the main contents and views of 'Regional Development Report of China, 2002' edited by LU Da dao, et al. After explaining the influence of the strategic structural adjustment of national economy in regional aspect, it argues that since the early 1990s, influence of traditional factors, such as mineral resources, water resources and transportation, has dropped gradually. Economic globalization not only has accelerated the development of national economy, but also has greatly changed the patterns of regional development. With information increasingly becoming an important production factor and location factor, the development of information based industries has impelled the regional economic disparity of China. Apart from these, science and technology, ecological environment and regional innovation system are becoming new factors which have greatly influenced regional development. Under the comprehensive function of the above mentioned factors, new economic patterns have emerged in China, they can be summarized as follows. First, regional economic gap has expanded in all aspects. Both regional and zonal differentiation in industrialization level has been more obvious in recent years. As several developed regions have entered the middle stage of industrialization, the hinterland of China, on the whole, is still at the initial stage of industrialization. Furthermore, economic and technological gradients have come into being within national scale. Second, spatial structure of industries, especially the manufacturing industries, which has come into being under planned economic system in the past decades, has greatly shifted in China. For example, basic industries as raw materials industries have further agglomerated to the coastal regions of China; energy industries especially power industry have shifted to the Western China; and the fast development of characteristic agriculture and high efficient agricultural production and high quality agricultural production has formed in several new areas for specific agricultural productions. However, with the new patterns in regional development, there are serious inclinations in regional development which should gain much concern:most regions should pay more attention to the development of basic industries and its modernization; new and high tech industries are not suitable to develop on a large scale; and environmental state of several regions with a high rate of economic growth has seriously worsened.
作者 陆大道
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期261-271,共11页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目"中国区域发展地学基础的综合研究" (4 0 1310 10 )
关键词 区域发展 新因素 新格局 regional development new factor new pattern
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