女词人李清照被誉为“词国女皇” ,她的抒情词向来以婉约深沉见长 ,把深切的感情融入其内。以时间为线索 ,同时以鲜明的形象传情 ,语言被称为“本色行当”。清新自然之外更体现出独特的韵律美 ,不仅高度总结了前代“花间词”派的成就 ,也奠定了其一代抒情圣手的地位。
The woman poet Li Qingzhao is known as“the queen of the kingdom of poetry”.Her lyrics are characterized of the subtle, concise and deep style, mixed with profound feelings based on the order of time. By means of the simple languages, she expresses her emotion through the striking images. Her lyrics show a special beauty of rhyme and rhythm as well as freshness and naturalness, which not only highly summarizes the achievements of the former“Flower School”but also entrenches herself in the invincible position as a lyric poet.
Journal of Langfang Teachers College