刘勰在《文心雕龙》中以作品的内容题材、体制结构为标尺把辞赋分为“鸿裁雅文”的“大赋”和“小制奇巧”的“小赋”两类。“大赋”与“小赋”的并提 ,折射出魏晋以来文学的抒情特质越来越受到重视 ,文学发展日益回归其本来面目的历史印记 ;
Liu Xie in'Wen Xin Diao Long'classified Chinese Fu into the grand and elegant ones and short and pretty ones based on the content,the subject,the size and the structure,which reflects that the lyrical characteristics in literature from Wei and Jin dynasty on is more noticed,that the literature develops in a natrual way,all of which shows the tendency of Liu's compromises.
Journal of Langfang Teachers College