从消费者对“知假买假不受保护”的普遍反对中 ,折射出他们对法定权利的认识尚停留在感性阶段 ,而缺乏对其实现的具体细节的理性探析。其实 ,法定权利和现实权利之间存在较大距离 ,前者能否转化成后者 ,还取决于许多不确定因素。因此 ,在法定权利日益丰富而实现却存在诸多障碍的今天 ,对其实现所必备的相关细节的深入关注 。
The common opposition of consumers to 'no safeguard for buying imitations with knowing for certain' reflects their cognition of legal rights still in the perceptual stage and their lack of rational cognition of the concrete details to realize the rights. In fact, there's some distance between legal rights and practical rights and the change from the former to latter depends on a lot of uncertain factors. So it becomes more and more important to pay a good deal of attention to the details of the realization of legal rights.
Journal of Changsha Social Work College