本文对戒毒康复专业办学前景、办学思想、办学条件和专业招生与就业等问题进行了反思 ,认为戒毒康复专业办学有需求 ,有难度 ,只要我们脚踏实地办学 ,办出质量 ,办出水平 ,则本专业办学前景将十分广阔。
This paper rethinks of the construction of the major specialized in anti-drug and rehabilitation in its prospect, the idea and condition for the construction and the enrollment and employment concerned. It also holds that there is a great demand for the major as well as difficulties for the construction and believes that the prospect for the major is broad as long as every effort is made for the achievement of the qualified and advanced construction of the major.
Journal of Changsha Social Work College