六年前,为了防范亚洲金融危机对本来就脆弱的内地金融业造成冲击,中央召开全国金融工作会议,对整顿金融秩序、防范金融风险做出了重要部署;并于第二年撤销了中国人民银行31个省级分行,成立了九大跨省区分行和两个总行营业管理部,同年5月中央金融工委正式挂牌,统领所有金融行业的监管工作。 整整六年过去了,原来的举措到底起没起到有效的作用呢?笔者以为,这五年正是中资银行债台高筑、愈发苦不堪言的时期,中央银行的监管职能并没有促进中资银行资产质量好转。究其原因,有些学者认为在于中央银行还掌握着另一项重要职能——货币政策。 2003年4月28日,银监会正式挂牌成立,这对于我国的金融监管又意味着什么呢?
Six years before, in order to prevent Asian crisis to exert adverse impact on weak finance field inland. National finance working meeting had hold, this meeting important arrangement for rectifying finance order, prevent financing crisis and canceled 31 provincial bank branches of the People's Bank of China. In May of same year, Central finance working committee was founded formally, united leading the supervision work of all financing trades. Five years passed, have previous measures taken effect? In my opinion, the five years is the time for China capital financing bank deposit debt and the bitterest period, central bank supervisory didn't promote China capital financing bank to turn bright. As for the reason, I think, it is that another important function-monetary policy was holden by the government.
Bank supervisory board is founded formally in Apr.28, 2003, what the meaning to our finance supervision? Please read followings
International Financing