目前的大多数进程迁移机制都是基于检查点保存重起机制来实现的。该文在机群环境下 ,提出一种改进的不保存进程状态的进程迁移机制。先把进程的必要信息转移到目标机上 ,然后即开始执行新的进程 ,并在执行的过程当中 ,陆续转移进程其他的信息。
Most of process migration facilities existing nowadays are implemented based on checkpoint save/restart facility. In such implementations, the migrated process can not begin to execute during process status save/restoration resulting in a long block delay. Under circumstance of cluster, this paper discusses an improved process migration method. Without saving process status, the migrated process begins to execute only after the necessary information is transferred. The remained contents of the process are to be transferred continuously during execution.
Computer Simulation