塔河油田抽油井原油物性变化大 ,抽油泵类型多、泵挂深 ,工作状况复杂。经对该油田各类典型示功图分析对比 ,总结出该地区抽油井试井存在的问题 ,提出有针对性的技术管理措施 ,为选择合理的采油工作制度和修井检泵措施 ,保证油井长期稳产。
In this paper,considering the different reservoir properties,various pumping,deep setting depth of pump and very complex work conditions,the exist problems encountered in well testing of well on the beam will be presented through contrasting and analyzing of type diagraphs cards in Tahe oilfield.Also,the pertinent management measures in technique are put forward.These methods are help in selecting work schedules and repairing measures and pave the way for long term effective constant rate.
Well Testing