围绕美国对伊动武政策 ,欧洲和美国之间以及欧洲国家内部之间分歧日增 ,危机频发 ,欧美关系呈现出复杂、松散、多元、多变的特点。聚焦德国问题 ,将有助于世人在当前扑朔迷离、令人眼花缭乱的外交纷争中清理思路、明辨方向。伊拉克危机是一个重要的标识和信号 ,表明统一德国已经重新步入世界政治大国行列。新起的世界政治大国必然会对现有世界秩序与格局形成冲击 ,德美关系已经陷入深重危机 ,欧美关系以及欧洲内部出现的分裂也都与德国有着直接关系。德国为什么会在国际关系中居于重要地位 ,显示出巨大的冲击作用 ?其重新获得的世界政治大国作用的实质内容是什么 ?将对国际关系产生何种影响 ?这些是本文探讨的主要问题。
There are increasingly bigger differences between Europe and America and among European countries themselves on Iraq crisis, which make the relationships between Europe and America more complicated, loose, diversified and uncertain. We could have a clearer view on international affairs by studying Germany. The Iraq crisis is a landmark and sign of Germany returning to the world as a political power. It is certain that the arising political power will have great influence on world order and situation, as the new development indicates the German-American relation has already changed dramatically, and the transformation of European-American relation as well as the relations among European countries are all very much concerned with Germany. Therefore, it is important to examine what kind of role Germany is going to play, what kind of influence and why it could have such big influence over international affairs.
Chinese Journal of European Studies