传统排球教学模式已经不能适应现代教学形势发展的需要。研究通过实验提出突出小组练习的速成教学法来提高教学效果 ,验证了速成教学法比传统教学法有较大的优越性 ,使学生在有限的教学时间内 ,学会上场打球并培养良好的排球意识 ,为终身体育打下良好的基础。
The traditional volleyball teaching mode can not fit in with the needs of the development of modern teaching situation any longer.This study proposes a quick teaching method emphasizing group practice to improve the teaching effect.The teaching experiments prove that the quick teaching method has greater advantages than the traditional teaching methods,which enables the students to learn how to play volleyball,obtain good volleyball consciousness and lay a firm foundation for life_long physical education.
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University