线粒体有氧呼吸是运动供能的最主要方式 ,疲劳的产生也与线粒体呼吸链电子漏出有密切关系 ,呼吸链中电子传递、质子泵出和ATP生成的详细过程及效率 ,对于运动及运动性疲劳的研究有着重要意义。本文着重阐述了线粒体结构、呼吸链组成、电子传递的Q循环 ,介绍了态 3、态 4呼吸的概念、内膜的非欧姆导性特点及我国学者刘树森的电子漏引起质子漏学说 ,为运动供能的进一步研究提供新的参考依据。
It is well_known that the mitochondrial respiratory is the main approach to supply energy.Furthermore,exercise_induced fatigue is closed related to it.So,it is extremely important to study the electron transfer in mitochondrial respiratory chain.The present paper introduced the makeup of the mitochodrial,the structure of respiratory chain and the notion of State 3 State 4 respiratory and the idea of electron leak arosing the passive diffusion of protons written by Liushusen.
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University