体操在小学体育中占有重要的地位 ,但广州地区小学体操开展情况并不乐观。在调查了解现状的基础上 ,采用文献资料研究法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、比较法等对影响广州地区小学体操开展的因素进行研究 ,进而提出相应的对策。研究结果表明 ,广州地区小学体操开展受多方面因素的影响 ,可概括为 :教师体操教学能力因子、指导思想因子、管理因子等。针对体操开展中出现的问题 ,提出相应的对策 :提高小学体育教师体操教学能力和学生对体操的兴趣 ,加大对体操场地器材的经费投入 ,严格学校体育管理 ,合理选编教材内容 ,增加简单多样 ,易于推广普及的徒手操、跳绳、橡皮筋、攀爬、韵律活动等内容 ,适当保持具有一定难度的竞技体操比例。
Gymnastic plays an important role on primary P.E, but its development is not very good. Based on present condition of primary gymnastic, the paper studied the major factor that affect the development of primary Gymnastic in Guangzhou area by document,questionnaire,statistic and comparison, then put forward countermeasure. It showed that many factors affect the development of primary Gymnastic. They are teaching ability factor,guiding thought factor ,management factor and so on. Countermeasures are enhancing teachers' teaching ability of Gymnastic and students' interesting, enforcing management, adding some simple various spread easily content such as free-standing exercises,rope skipping rubber band skipping,climbing and crawling and so on ,maintaining proportional somewhat difficult contest Gymnastic.
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University