

Vibration of two-way stepped rectangular plates
摘要 本文采用Reissner-Mindlin一阶剪切变形板理论 ,得出n级双向阶梯式矩形板自由振动系统的总位能。通过Rayleigh -Ritz法 ,采用梁函数作为各种边界条件下阶梯式板的位移函数 ,求得阶梯式板的自振频率。 An analytical numerical study is presented for free vibration of two way n step rectangular plates.Based on Reissner Mindlin plates theory,considering the first order shear deformation effects,the total potential energy of the two way n step rectangular plate system for the free vibration problem is obtained.A set of beam functions,which satisfies different kinds of geometric boundary conditions,are adopted for stepped plates and Rayleigh Ritz method is employed with this set of admissible functions to determine the natural frequencies of the plate.
作者 陈毅 沈惠申
出处 《强度与环境》 2003年第2期1-5,16,共6页 Structure & Environment Engineering
关键词 阶梯式板 位移函数 自振频率 Raylcigh-Ritz法 板结构 一阶剪切变形板理论 Stepped plates Free vibration First order shear deformation plate theory
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