分析了水文观测资料和 DO、CODcr、BOD5、NH3 - N、TP、NO3 - N、NO2 - N等浓度数据。结果表明 ,浏河污水排入长江后 ,在长江落潮流挟带下沿南岸下泄 ,形成近岸污染带 ,对宝钢、陈行水库水质造成一定影响。为确保水库水质 ,须建造污水处理厂 ,达标排放 ;利用长江口涨落潮规律 ,在落潮初期 2 h内 ,水库开泵引入长江水 ,避免近岸污染带影响。
The hydrological observations and the concentrations of DO, COD cr , BOD 5, NH 3-N, TP, NO 2-N and NO 3-N are analyzed. The results show that the sewage from the Liuhe River, influenced by the ebb currents of the Changjiang River, flows downstream along the south bank and forms the near bank pollution belt. As a result this pollution belt has a harmful effect on the water quality of the Luojing reach. In order to prevent the water of the Baogang and Chenhang reservoirs from being polluted, a sewage treatment plant should be set up. According to the law of the flood and ebb currents in the Changjiang Estuary, Clear water should be drawn into the reservoirs from the Changjiang Estuary by water pumbs during the initial stage of the ebb (about 2h) so as to avoid the effects of the near bank pollution belt.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology